Acquiring new customers can be very expensive. Partnering with Total Home Protection gives you and your company the opportunity to connect with many more homeowners, without having to spend those precious marketing dollars.
By enrolling as a Service Contractor you will enjoy:
Free Leads! Every work order we send you is potential business.
Steady Business! THP will ensure a steady volume of work to keep you busy during those slow, painful months.
Free Advertising! Get unsolicited jobs without increasing advertising and marketing costs.
Less Paperwork! THP offers email dispatching as well as paperless invoicing through our Online Vendor Center.
Unlimited Growth! Build your own customer base by providing excellent service to our policy holders.
As a Total Home Protection Service Contractor, you will be assigned a Contractor Relations Representative who will be a part of your team. Your Contractor Relations Representative will build a relationship with you and your company as you work together to maximize your opportunity.